- Featuring different comics and their personal journeys, explores the internal battles, unexpected fame and societal pressures in the comedy world.
- Two young men live, independently, in liminal space: on the threshold or in permanent transition between two worlds. One of these worlds, filmed with a camera, seems more “real” than the other, represented by computer generated images and explored by a digital avatar. But nothing could be less certain… for what the fil…
- 漆黑的夜晚,一名间谍悄然潜入日本警方某机构,盗走了记载着各国谍报机构重要数据的绝密文件的绝密数据。日本警方和FBI探员赤井秀一(池田秀一 配音)旋即与间谍展开追逐。最后,逃亡者的车辆坠落悬崖。第二天,柯南(高山南 配音)和伙伴们来到东都水族馆观光,结果发现一名受伤的美丽女子(天海佑希 配音)。该女子处于失忆状态,身上的手机也…
- This kaleidoscope of stories shines a light on Ukrainians bravely defending their land against the Russian invasion, where millions struggle for their right to exist. A compendium of short films, Overcoming the Darkness highlights the full tragedy that followed the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. It chart…
- 《赃物》穷困潦倒的中年人关富强(任达华 饰)无工可开,渐入绝境,他怨天尤人,憎恨命运的不公。正所谓穷则思变,一生穷怕了的老关剑走偏锋,铤而走险盗取他人骨灰,企图勒索赎金求活。黑天黑地,人鬼难分;《放手》提倡音乐驱邪的风水师父何可(梁家辉 饰)迫于高昂租金准备关张,在最后一天他邂逅一对自称撞鬼的夫妇,因感事态复杂,遂将夫…