搜索 Darrell

  • 电影恐怖
    A woman disfigured during a plastic surgery operation takes out her anger on all those who have wronged her, by slaughtering them.
  • A mysterious man, Suba, gets himself a job at a fencing academy, and as he learns the way of the students, the school, and its maestro, they learn that there's more to him than meets the eye. He gains (or regains?) his fencing skills and his philosophy of teaching clashes with the maestro's. As they are thrown into con…
  • Mike, an easygoing military dropout is thrust into a hidden world of murder and assassination after running into his best friend Ed, after 10 years of thinking he was Killed In Action. In order to save Mike's fiancee Sarah and keep themselves alive, Mike and Ed must now work together as members of - The Hunters Club. '…
  • Losing weight and getting fit has never been easier! Shed those unwanted pounds with these simple tricks your gym doesn't want you to know about. You won't believe what happens next!由Aaron Bleyaert的真实经历改编,讲述了一个关于失恋-减肥-收获幸福的励志故事。第一步:不喝啤酒;第二步:控制食量;第三部:让你心碎成渣渣......
  • 电影恐怖
  • 宁静的夜晚,一阵突来的陨石雨袭卷天空,坠落四处的绿色陨石散发着一股神秘能量,让原本乖巧的狗儿们变得异常暴躁,甚至像有目的似地开始组织,疯狂攻击人类。在小镇陷入混乱之际,萝丝琳与她尚未变异的小狗夏普幸运逃过野狗攻击,但她们得赶在沦陷之前,尽快与家人会合,逃出这个狂犬肆虐的人间炼狱
  • 生活步调平凡的史提芬,自从生命中的最爱女友,意外丧命于随机杀人事件后,潜藏在他心底的暴力与怪异行为,开始无法控制的展现;某晚,正当史蒂芬计划下一起杀人案时,由屋顶跳楼自杀失败,跌入并压破史蒂芬车顶的帕西瓦,不仅成功扰与阻止了史提芬的计划,并相信是命运带领两人相遇,甚至聘请史提芬协助自己的自杀计划。   毫不相信命运的史…
  • Notorious hacker Drew Reynolds is captured by the CIA and given a proposition - work for them or spend the rest of his life in prison. Agreeing on the condition that he can form his own team, he puts together a group of "throwaways" - the people deemed expendable and seemingly the worst in the organization.Go…
  • As Tom comes to terms with his stage three cancer, he finds comfort in Beth, a carefree woman with a degenerative heart condition.
  • 阴谋
    林肯镇(Lincolnville)曾经是 Grimley's Old Tyme 马戏团的故乡,现在它已经变成了一座热爱极限运动的大都市。就在托尼.霍克(Tony Hawk) 所引领的滑板热潮要取代已经过时的马戏团时,托尼.霍克却被马戏团的怪物给绑架了。现在,一群滑板男孩成了他唯一的希望。影片中的部分角色该片中动画角色的滑板动作,全部由职业滑手(包括tony ha…