- What would happen to planet earth if the human race were to suddenly disappear forever? Would ecosystems thrive? What remnants of our industrialized world would survive? What would crumble fastest? Life After People is a television series on which scientists, structural engineers, and other experts speculate about what…
- 纪录片讲述《死侍》男星瑞安·雷诺兹和《费城永远阳光灿烂》男星罗伯·麦克伦尼来到英国北威尔士工人阶级小镇雷克斯汉姆,他们联手收购并接管了镇上历史悠久但陷入困境的足球俱乐部红龙队。然而瑞安和罗伯在足球方面并没有经验,从好莱坞到威尔士,从球场到更衣室,从前台到酒馆,这部一共5集的纪录片将追踪两人在足球俱乐部所有权方面的速成课…
- A cry in the dark explores universal themes of love, loss, grief, healing and redemption through a unique lens. This story takes you on the journey of a young girls inability to cope with a tragic event which leaves her delusional and dangerous. The concept behind this film explores our social construction of the spiri…
- Towani一家乘坐的星际巡洋舰在恩多卫星上坠毁了。Towani家的爸爸和妈妈和他们的两个孩子Mace与Cindel失散了。伊渥克族人——恩多卫星上的土著——找到了这两个孩子。尽管孩子们与伊渥克族的交流起初非常困难,Mace和Cindel最终还是说服了伊渥克族人帮助找寻他们的父母。