搜索 Darío

  • 剧情:母子乱伦 (不是继母 是亲母子)相依为命的孤儿寡母,渐渐长大的儿子和其他女人相处时,母子间的矛盾、情欲开始决堤!
  • 罗马帝国末期,一位贵族爱上了一名基督徒女奴
  • 二十岁的萨尔瓦多热爱大海,他以开船带游客游览微风岛为生。冬天的旅游淡季,他会到陆地找一份泥瓦匠的工作。一天,他结识了年轻的马尔蒂娜,她是来小岛潜水的。两个年轻人之间产生了爱情,从此改变了双方的生活。
  • 巨大阴影
    A few years ago, a man appeared who claimed to speak an apparently lost language: Chaná. Soon dictionaries were published and the language was able to recover completely. This man also located the Chanás in the same place where the Volga G…
  • 故事关于人的激情与嫉妒,贪婪与欲望,根据一个模糊的当地传说改编。卢西亚诺(Luciano)生活在19世纪末20世纪初的偏远意大利村庄里,被斥为"疯子、贵族、圣人和醉汉"。因同掌权者与贵族的冲突被流放至火地岛,卢西亚诺在无情的淘金者及螃蟹的帮助下,寻找神秘的宝藏。然而,在这些贫瘠的土地上,只有贪婪和疯狂才能盛行。
  • Zambrano is a juvenile offender that when arrives to the penitentiary only longs to join a football team, Los Perros. Such illusion ends up involving him with the organized crime under the auspices of the authority, because the team is also the 4th Company, a squad of inmates that controls services and privileges in pr…
  • 电影生活
  • A successful spanish executive living in Argentina, gets stalked by and faces a series of undesired situations created by a man he gives wrong directions to, after almost running over him with his car.
  • Bimbo–PreferiscoMorire
    Music video for the song “Preferisco Morire” by Bimbo.