- 关注《刺客信条4:黑旗》的玩家,一定对游戏中的几大反派有所了解,其中最惹人注意的莫过于黑胡子了,游戏的主角爱德华·肯威同样是一个令人闻风丧胆的海盗人物,近日,就有国外团队制作了一段名为“恶魔之矛”的《刺客信条4》真人短片,向我们讲述了一些关于他们劫掠海上的故事。
- In 2009 started the hardest and longest footrace in the world: an average run of 43 miles/day, 64 total stages, no days off, for a total of 2,800 miles from southern Italy up to the North Cape in Norway. Nights were spent in gyms, kindergartens or swimming baths on own mats, there where no accompanying service teams, n…