- 《星际旅行:深空九号》(StarTrek:DeepSpaceNine,简称「DS9」)是第三代星际旅行系列剧集,从1993年至1999年总共播出了七季,该剧共获得3项艾美奖,9项其他各类奖和42项各类提名。它不以「星舰进取号」及其船员为主角,而以记述环绕在「深空九号」(DeepSpaceNine)太空站周遭所发生的事件为主。故事发生在2369年,深空九号太空站本来是卡达…
- 《星际旅行:深空九号》(StarTrek:DeepSpaceNine,简称为ST:DS9或DS9),是一部于1993年正式开播的科幻电视电视剧,一共拍摄了7季,并于1999年正式结束。应布兰登·塔奇科夫的请求,赖克·伯曼和迈克尔·皮勒创作了这部以吉恩·罗登伯里的《星际旅行》虚构宇宙为故事背景的电视剧集,并由派拉蒙影业出品。主要的作者除了伯曼与皮勒外,还包括电…
- The story focuses on Fatima, who is the youngest daughter in a family of Algerian migrants in France. She discovers her love for women, which brings her into conflict with her family, her faith and her own identity.
- Juliet Moreau is sixteen as works as a made in London, trying to move on and forget about he father's scandal. Although never proven true, there are rumors that her father, London's greatest surgeon, was engeged in gruesome experimentations. Suddenly the life she was trying to build fall apart when she runs in to Montg…
- A father is faced with the prospect of planning the quinceanera of his daughter's dreams.