搜索 Day

  • 星期五俱乐部16:炙烈爱情之旧情复燃
  • 电视剧喜剧
    台剧开镜 | 《X!又是星期一》 导演:林暐恆(阿Ken) 主演:范少勋、林奕岚、曾莞婷、温昇豪、马力欧 类型:职场 轻喜剧 阿Ken继电影《练爱iNG》后再度执导影集,改编自镜文学畅销小说的《我恨星期一》,将拍摄两个月,预计2023年第三季播出。 讲述菜鸟社畜闯荡职场的冒险故事,社会新鲜人(范少勋 饰)阴错阳差下进入一家周刊社成为业务菜鸟,…
  • 电影
    Adapted from the novel De l'influence du lancer de minibar sur l'engagement humanitaire.
  • 电影生活
    讲述两个普通智利家庭的悲欢历史,从皮诺切特时代至今。2006年圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节TVE奖,2007年意大利特里斯蒂拉美电影节最佳导演奖。http://sydneylatinofilmfestival.org/cms/feature-films2008/69/As two families celebrate the engagement of their children, one of the lovers u…
  • 白天是阿波罗,晚上是雅典娜
    Asocial computer programmer Defne is being pestered by dead people desperate for human interaction. Once she realizes that there’s no escape from these ghosts, she decides to take advantage of this gift/curse and search for her long-dead m…
  • 节目表演
  • 雄狮归来
  • We Had Fun Yesterday
    Unexpectedly, Marion Guillard captures the perfect shot: A flock of birds pirouette in the evening sky, the camera follows their graceful movements as if hypnotized, symbiotically. The road to this moment was long. Guillard shares her journey to the USA with us, which is not only marked by feelings of alienation from h…
  • A Year of Endless Days
    ‘A Year of Endless Days’ follows two men from a Croatian village—Tomislav and Joso. They are in their 50s, living without their wives. Mostly in search of means for a better life, these women went to work abroad. They found new partners a…
  • 电视剧