- Employees and customers spend time at a small gas station-diner in a fictional town next to a nuclear power plant unaware it is the last day on Earth. Young Otto (Dean Stockwell) has received ownership of the failing business by the Will of his recently deceased father. His employee, Lionel Switch (Neil Young), is the …
- A new type of discourse about documentary filmmaking sprang up, initially from two filmmakers, Alexandru Solomon and Florin Iepan, who, in the early 2000s, had been attached to a European training initiative (Discovery Masterschool), which strove to facilitate access to the international market for documentary professi…
- 很不错的黑色喜剧,复古型的影片节奏不紧不慢,但最后的结局却出人意料。几位主演都是阿根廷影坛的传奇人物,有被称为“阿根廷的葛丽泰-嘉宝”的Mecha Ortiz(1900-1987),Arturo García Buhr(1905-1995),Mario Soffici等。Mara Ordaz, a former diva who lives in a mansion away from the cit…