- In this final installment of the "Why We Fight" propaganda series, the subject focuses on the United States of America. We learn of its good qualities and the things worth fighting for. With that established, we learn of the history of the United States' population shifting opinion towards siding with the All…
- 18歳の少年に娘を殺された父が仕掛ける復讐の罠。『THE JUON 呪怨』の清水崇監督大絶賛、『サムライ・アベンジャー 復讐剣 盲狼』の光武蔵人監督の初長編作となるソリッド・シチュエーション・スリラー。銃社会、少年犯罪への紋切り型の問題提起に留まらず、犯罪被害者の家族が抱える怒りと葛藤、復讐と暴力の果てにある空虚さを描き出す。高校…
- Emma Burke (Madsen), an unhappily married mother of two, arrives in Hawaii to attend the funeral of Lily, the woman who raised her since infancy. While she's sad about her surrogate mom's death, she also grateful for the chance to escape the demands of her busy, but unfulfilling, life in Boston. Soon Emma's emotional l…