搜索 Deepa

  • 电影生活
    二十世纪六十年代初的香港,刘先生(张国柱 饰)本是一名作家,但“时运不济”不得不靠撰写不入流的武侠小说、色情小说来维持生活,现实与刘先生曾经所追求的人生大相径庭。生活的不得已让刘先生沮丧,以至于日日夜夜买醉而归,试图麻醉自己逃避现实。年纪虽不小,刘先生却依旧浮萍一般没有定性,到处搬家。起初,在他租住那间小屋碰到了仅仅十…
  • How do we want to live? To answer this question, green filmmaker Greg Reitman, takes us on a cinematic journey to take notice, stop the cycle of violence, and seek ways to find personal and ecological peace. The journey includes interviews with such luminaries and activists as Deepak Chopra, music legends Donovan, Mike…
  • Working as a Guide and bus driver in Jaisalmer, Arjun had always dreamed of being a famous singer. When he meets beautiful tourist, Naina Dixit, he impresser her with his singing, she encourages him to come to Bombay and try his luck there, and leaves her address with him. Shortly thereafter, Arjun bids farewell to his…
  • I don't understand some people. If Govinda stars in his "Govinda Comedy's"they say Govinda does the same rle over and over again (nobody says that Shah Rukh does the same thing which he HAS been doing ever since Dilwale Dulhan ia lejayenge -double standards anyone??). But when Govinda tries to do something di…
  • '1971', though deals with the Indian prisoners of wars in Pakistan, it isn't a film that would only appeal to Indians but to the world. One of the most finely crafted films of recent times, '1971' scores high on every department. Though the plot is fictitious, this movie does raise the question of what happened to the …
  • 雄心勃勃的D.A. Victor Scott积极的起诉Ed Clary谋杀妇女。但是当Clary从“最后一里路”走向电椅的时候,Scott收到了证明被指控者无罪的证据。当他知道自己犯了个大错误的时候,他试图阻止死刑执行,但是一切都太晚了。由于这次严重的误判,Scott辞去了检察官的职务。进入私人活动后,他通过使他出名的同样的狡诈行为引起了暴徒首领Frank …
  • Hathyar is a narrative which probes into the household of Raghunath (Sanjay Dutt), a dreaded gangster. His bereaved son Rohit (Sanjay Dutt) has to face a lot of flak from the outside world, repeatedly reminding him of the stigma attached to his family because of his father's past. Just like his father, circumstances fo…
  • 已被迪士尼收购的科学频道播出的纪录片,这部纪录片曝光了奈特-沙马兰(《第六感》导演)很多鲜为人知的秘密。该片播出后,沙马兰通过其经纪人表示了强烈的不满,随后科学频道也为此专门做了道歉,可见这部纪录片里猛料之多。
  • 电影文艺
    西塔(兰迪塔·达斯 Nandita Das 饰)是一个年轻貌美的姑娘,在父亲的安排之下,她嫁给了一个有钱,但是并不爱她的音像店店主。没有爱情,婚后的生活对于西塔来说宛如一种折磨,丈夫沉迷于对于中国功夫的研究之中,对她毫无兴趣。唯一能带着西塔解闷的,是她的大嫂罗陀(莎巴娜·阿兹米 Shabana Azmi 饰),和西塔一样,罗陀也有着不幸的婚姻,…