搜索 Dejan

  • 电视剧剧情
  • 电视剧科幻
  • 拯救希望第四季
    在这部加拿大夏季剧集中,多伦多Hope-Zion医院的外科主任Charlie Harris(Michael Shanks)遭遇车祸后不省人事,让整座医院陷入混乱,他的未婚妻兼同事Alex Reid医生(Erica Durance)更是忧心如焚。Alex决心在新来的著名外科医生Joel Goran(Daniel Gillies)的帮助下拯救Harris的生命。与此同时,Harris的「灵魂」在医院里游荡…
  • 电影
  • Man escapes from an Italian camp and returns to his island in occupied Dalmatia only to find himself victim of a plot denouncing him as an enemy agent.
  • 战争中被关在德国的南斯拉夫战俘的故事,根据Oto Bihalji-Merin的小说Farewell in October改编
  • ★剧情介绍:瑞典人玛洛是一个事业很成功的女律师,生活严谨而有规律,把所有精力都投入到工作之中。而丹麦人赛门是一个儿童读物的作家,懂生活并做得一手好菜。因为工作的缘故,玛洛来到了丹麦,在机缘巧合之下两人碰到了一起,生出了许多令人啼笑皆非的误会,而最终两人走到了一起。★花絮短评:丹麦2009年喜剧片并入围奥斯卡原创歌曲提名。
  • Description: Ante and Dusko are two Dream Team players. Besides being a Croat and a Serb who fought on opposite sides in the war, both used to be volleyball players. Today, they live normal lives, one in a remote craggy region, the other in Banja Luka. There is little chance of them ever meeting again. The Internationa…
  • Father Peter is afraid that universe is indifferent. God no longer intervenes. His wife abandoned him. His son rebels against him. And his mother seldom recognizes him thanks to Alzheimer's. When Peter becomes an obstacle to a large property sale in his parish, the group of colorful, but also vengeful villagers decides…