- 主人公文森佐是一个名不见经传的律师,主要负责民事诉讼案。虽然本职工作干得平庸无起色,待人接物时常迷糊,但他的脑子里有丰富的哲学思想。电视剧的一条主线为他的私生活:能力广受认可的心理咨询师妻子与其离了婚,但再婚后却又与他多次出轨。文森佐想复婚但屡屡被拒……电视剧的另一条主线则是文森佐的工作,有一天他无奈接下了一起黑帮分尸…
- In Singapore, successful businessman Alexander falls in love with his new assistant Li Lin. Their love is soon put to test when his ex-fiancée Anna's brother blackmails Li Lin into stealing the plans for Alexander's project. Li Lin relucta…
- After a year of drought, Nicolas prepares for "The tiger's fights" a prehispanic ritual where the village men fight to imitate thunder and foster the rain, hope of a good harvest. Inspired by one of the last surviving blood rituals in Mexico, "The Tiger's Fight" tells the story of Nicolas, a young m…
- Jebadiah lived on his land for many years. He worked the land, and kept it alive. Jebadiah also hated trespassers. When he died defending his right to remain on his land, he was buried there. That was a month ago. Now there are strangers on his land again, and they want to make his land their own. Jebadiah still hates …
- Mavka-abeautifulforestnymphandsouloftheForest-facesanimpossiblechoicebetweenloveandherdutyasguardiantotheHeartoftheForest,whenshefallsinlovewithahuman-thetalentedyoungmusicianLukash.Ourstoryisaboutthemagicalpoweroflove.Thatkindoflovethatenableshumannaturetofindthemagicwithinandrevealsabilitiesandqualitiesthatempowerape…