- Wherever he goes, Dennis Pennis leaves a trail of embarrassment in his wake. From London to the Venice Film Festival and on to Hollywood, no-one is spared, no star is too big to escape verbal abuse. Victims include Steve Martin, Pierce Brosnan, Don Johnson, Jim Carrey, Richard Gere, Sharon Stone, Sandra Bullock, Charli…
- This movie is a charming, very sexy love story between a cute blond valley boy and an older leather biker type. It's a simple story, endearingly told and well directed. Sean Tatyran and Chris Bradley are excellent. The black and white filming gives the movie a nice arty house/50's feel.A rare film in which a gay relati…
- almost anyone with any kind of budget can make an alleged 'movie'. And that generally for the better. There's been some creative low budget gems. "Two Brothers", made for under $600 Canadian is a good example. "The Journey of Jared Price", shot in 5 days with a budget of $30,00 is a great little mov…