- Sagwan is story of an 18-year-old rural boy named Alfred, whose routinary life as a boatman complicates as he discovers how much more life around him has to offer. His haunting family’s dark past inhibits him from living his young life freely.Set in a charming provincial town in the Philippines, where the river and the…
- A father struggles with the past. A daughter fights for the future. A mother searches for answers. The Boyajians have not celebrated Christmas in 11 years. They lost their faith when they lost their son to the Persian Gulf War. Now a stranger has joined them - around the same age the boy would have been. Is he a con ar…
- 西方古典音乐在十九世纪最著名、最奇特和凄美的三角恋爱,无疑来自舒曼、他的妻子克拉拉、以及勃拉姆斯。舒曼是勃拉姆斯的挚友和全力提携者,他那位美丽的妻子克拉拉也是一位天才的钢琴家和作曲家,血气方刚的勃拉姆斯发现自己对挚友和恩师的妻子产生难以道明的感情。然而,当舒曼因精神病发作而英年早逝后,勃拉姆斯和克拉拉却在之后三十多年里…