- Ukrainian surgeon Serhiy is captured by the Russian military forces in the conflict zone in Eastern Ukraine and while in captivity, he is exposed to horrifying scenes of humiliation, violence and indifference towards human life. After his release, he returns to his comfortable middle-class apartment and tries to find a…
- 在那次事故之后,我妻由乃(村田知沙 配音)恢复了平常的生活。炎炎夏日,她所在的学校组织了海滨夏令营,在碧海蓝天之下,由乃和日野日向(松冈由贵 配音)、野野坂真央(由加奈 配音)、高坂王子(白石稔 配音)等好友快乐玩耍,享受着青春瞬间。然而在她心底,似乎依稀隐藏着对天野雪辉(富樫美铃 配音)的些许记忆。那一闪而过的片段,搅扰…