搜索 Dian

  • US scientist created a new medicine called the Anti-Hypothermic shot. Citizens were accidentally infected with a deadly virus during human testing trials. Mercenary Gabriella Knight attempts to join forces against the infected with Dr. Matthew Sage to utilize his distillation oil which dramatically increases the body's…
  • "This independent film, a slice-of-barrio- life that was shot and exhibited in South Texas. It is a compelling film about the dilemmas facing a young Chicano in the spring of 1972 amid the Chicano Movement.- Written by UCLA / Chicano Studies Research Center
  • This film tells a combination of how Ken Taylor and his Canadian Embassy staff in Teheran during the Iranian hostage crisis hid half a dozen American embassy staffers at great personal risk. It furthermore tells the story, which was revealed much later to the cover story for the joint CIA/Canadian rescue operation, of …
  • 2017 marks the centenary year of the establishment of Imperial War Museums. It was founded while the First World War was still raging - and over the past century, IWM has expanded hugely (with five sites including the Churchill War Rooms and HMS Belfast).This programme shares stories of those who have lived, fought and…
  • 电视剧悬疑
  • 电影经典
  • 电影
    A scientist invents a time machine that transports him six months into the future.@www.molikan.com
  • 拉丁乐团最玩世不恭的女歌手,她曾是墨西哥传奇女画家芙烈达卡萝的闺蜜情人、和好莱坞女神艾娃嘉纳有过一段情。她是大导演阿莫多瓦的音乐缪思、拉丁乐坛史上最玩世不恭的灵魂歌者。她是每唱一次歌,就要死过一次的查维拉·瓦尔加斯(Chavela Vargas,1919-2012)。江湖流传她的八卦太辛辣。她不畏保守风气,一反唱片公司为她塑造的大家闺秀形象…