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  • 列国图志:法国法国正已一种前所未有的方式影响着世界,本片从多角度解读法国。从流行的由奔跑和城市攀岩;从拆除炸弹的行动;又或像小吃、看烟花那些传统的活动。在生活的方方面面,法国都在酝酿新的流行趋势。
  • 《衣架》是一个关于复仇的可怕故事,故事开始于发生在穷街陋巷中的一次人工流产,结束于一场血腥屠杀,它是如此邪恶以至于给“以牙还牙”一词带来了新的含义。
  • "Moxn“ (pronounced Moon) is a surrealistic art film about the transformation of Black bodys, identity and gender. The Titel refers to the spelling of WOMXN that is a more inclusive, progressive term that sheds light on prejudice and d…
  • Mama loves men, but she loves money even more. She's trained her three teenage daughters to meet, marry and murder men for their money. But soon they meet Harold and he's got other plans.
  • 转自:http://www.ilookmg.com/c002.asp?ID=107   《戰火浮生錄》從四段主線開始:一心醉心於音樂的德國鋼琴家,但卻成為德軍進入巴黎時軍樂隊隊長。原本擁有美好新婚生活,但是音樂家丈夫卻戰死在冰封大地的俄國芭蕾舞者。原本是爵士樂隊團員,但志願前往歐洲戰場勞軍的美國樂隊指揮。與丈夫與小孩被送入集中營,但只有自己生還的法籍猶太女…
  • 这是发生在澳洲南方的惊世骇俗版欲望城市。在小镇习惯性漫天飞卷的黄沙里,隐约可辨认出棕发女孩木讷无奈的表情。她是露西亚。应该是美好明亮的豆蔻年华,却在外遇出走的父亲与歇斯底里的母亲奋力演出一场猛烈纠缠的分手戏码之后,完全毁于一旦。丈夫琵琶别抱,拒绝接受事实的萝拉为了泄愤,无所不用其极。她剪去露西亚的长发,杀光露西亚养的鸽…
  • 电视剧
    MELTDOWN: THREE MILE ISLAND tackles the near catastrophe at Three Mile Island nuclear power plant and the whistleblower who spoke up to protect the community. Insiders recount the events, controversies and lingering effects of the worst nuclear incident in U.S. history.
  • 电视剧
    《波士顿法律》是美国ABC电视台的重头戏《律师本色》(The Practice)的姐妹剧,它讲述 Alan Shore 为一家律师事务所工作期间发生的故事及案件。故事集中在波士顿的一家高级律师所里,主要以民事诉讼案件为主。这些聪明的代理人必须处理法律允许他们做和该如何对抗他们不能做的。 当基本上尝试的时候,他们将会面对社会的和道德的议题。 这难解幽…
  • 电视剧
    Gilmore Girls is an American comedy-drama series created by Amy Sherman-Palladino, starring Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel. On October 5, 2000, the series debuted on the WB to widespread critical acclaim [1] and remained a tent-pole to the WB until it was canceled in its seventh season, ending on May 15, 2007 on the C…