- 《塞维利亚的理发师》,二幕喜歌剧,以法国作家包玛蔡斯的同名讽刺喜剧为蓝本,并由史特宾尼编剧。罗西尼以短短13天一气呵成谱曲,但它的首演却不尽人意,是西欧歌剧史上十分著名的首演失败之一,失败的原因是多方面的。在罗西尼之前,当时意大利老资格的作曲家派西埃洛已将博马舍的喜剧《塞维利亚理发师》创作成歌剧。1816年,罗西尼受雇剧团的…
- Set in the most unconventional and most upscale university campus, two young men will compete for the sole honor of being the Campus King.Ben Martinez has already won the title 3 times.Samuel Quirino is the new student who gets easily noticed and becomes the challenger for the title.When Sam becomes a tough competitor …
- An insurance adjuster from Iowa is sent to settle several death benefit claims in Los Angeles. He soon discovers all the victims were carrying invitations to a non existent club called "The Tsunami Beach Club". As he begins to investigate he becomes swept up in a far-reaching conspiracy regarding a rash of ba…