- A documentary about the French writer Jean Genet and his relations with the Palestinian revolution. One day after the September 1982 massacre at the refugee camp of Shatila in Beirut, Genet visits the camp. Suffering from throat cancer and having written nothing in years, Genet begins to write on the threshold of his d…
- When two troublemaking female prisoners (one a revolutionary, the other a former harem-girl) can't seem to get along, they are chained together and extradited for safekeeping. The women, still chained together, stumble, stab, and cat-fight their way across the wilderness, igniting a bloody shootout between gangsters an…
- 金碧辉煌的建筑内灯火通明,远远便能听到刀叉和餐盘碰撞的声音。衣着华丽考究的红男绿女矜持骄傲,他们觥筹交错,细语倾谈,竭尽全力保持着各自不容有所差池的风度。在这里,所有的人看起来都和禽类有相似之处。大厅的一角,肥胖如火鸡的夫人兀自站立,这时一个矮小瘦弱有如燕子般的男人悄悄走到夫人的身后,他有些羞赧,又有些紧张,似乎他对夫…