- Hedda (Lydia Lunch) and Neal (Don Bajema) have secluded themselves in a faded plantation house on the outskirts of the city hoping the idyllic hideaway would reinvigorate their strained relationship. But the sprawling house itself seems to be a jealous keeper whose haunted past manifests new threats when Jackson (Henry…
- One of director Jean-Michel Cadinot's best films, "Gamins de Paris" is an ambitious hardcore erotic production. Shot with the same quality film stock as is used for mainstream productions, this early 90's film offers a coherent and enjoyable storyline, concerning a schoolboy who runs off to Paris after steali…
- 日前,借着保罗·马尔蒂尼的电影DVD演示会,AC米兰宣布了一个重要的公告。加利亚尼透露,俱乐部将会像对待巴雷西那样,在马尔蒂尼退役之后永久封存米兰的3号球衣。目前,一部关于这位红黑后卫职业生涯的电影,一部为了庆祝他在俱乐部效力二十周年的礼物——《保罗·马尔蒂尼的电影》(《Paolo Maldini- Il Film》)今天在米兰公开发行。这部由保…