搜索 Dire

  • Originally directed for the stage by Samuel BeckettDirected for film by Robert BilheimerA performance of the San Quentin Drama WorkshopFilmed in the studios of the Department of Radio-TV-Film University of Maryland at College ParkRobert P. Kolker, ChairBeckett Directs Beckett is the San Quentin Drama Workshop's reperto…
  • Speaking Directly is an essay-film making for a kind of State of the Nation address, from the perspective of someone other than the President of the United States, circa 1972-4. This film addresses both the political and cultural situation of the US at the height of the Viet Nam war, Watergate and its aftermath, and li…
  • 某局,人们都在议论着:新任张局长6月8日下午就来局里上班。原任局长休养去了,其他科长都不在家,迎接新局长的任务,就落在总务科牛科长肩上。牛科长是个爱吹牛拍马,对工作马马虎虎毫不负责的人。当他得知新局长就要来该局上任时,立刻想尽办法,献媚于从未谋面的新领导。牛科长动员全科人员首先要给新局长修一个宽敞舒适的新办公室。他选中楼…
  • 电影剧情
  • After the American playwright and actor Sam Shepard had played the role of the ghost in Michael Almereyda's Hamlet, Shepard invited the filmmaker to document rehearsals for his The Late Henry Moss, that he staged with Nick Nolte and Sean Penn in leading roles. Almereyda and his crew filmed the last three weeks before t…
  • The series goes behind the scenes of different movies and talks with each director about their careers behind the camera. Each hour long episode includes interviews with the actors and clips from the movies.
  • 电影
    故事发生在金秋时节的兰河峪村。由于村妇女主仼交接班出现问题,此职位临时空缺,村长(张洪杰 饰)便动员凤莲(宋丹丹 饰)的丈夫刘一本(赵本山 饰)临时代理去乡里开会。在乡妇联会议上,刘一本天上一拳地上一脚地把本村妇女工作吹了个溜溜光。说者无心、听者有意,领导马上把兰河峪当成了全乡的典型,还说过段时间去村里开现场会。自知说走…
  • ★ MV導演系列為您再推薦今年度推出的四位享譽全球MV導演當中的第ㄧ位 MARK ROMANEK 。 MARK 執導過無數令人印象深刻享譽全球的音樂錄影帶,合作過藝人包括 Beck、David Bowie、Keith Richards、R.E.M.、Lenny Kravitz.、Johnny Cash到流行天后 Madonna 其中最讓大家樣相深刻的當然還包括替流行天王 麥可傑克森與妹妹珍娜傑克森執導的 S…