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  • Un mundo para mí
    When their first baby is born with both female and male features, a young couple faces an enormous dilemma. While he insists on following medical advice to surgically assign a sex to their child, she is deeply moved by the stories of intersex individuals, causing her to question the necessity of such an intervention. A…
  • 聆听暗影
    古巴是西班牙帝国的最后一块殖民地。数以千计的古巴人秘密前往半岛,保卫第二共和国免受法西斯主义和佛朗哥政变(Franco's coup d'état)的威胁。所谓的“王冠上的明珠”,直到三十多年前才投入到后来被称为西班牙革命的浪潮中。 这种关系的奥秘何在? 《聆听暗影》通过电影、照片以及声音档案(其中大部分至今尚未出版),提出了一个精辟的考…
  • Amarandos
    “Amarandos,” the flower whose colour lasts eternal, is a messy vase of memory, dealing with transitions to other realms, while in the incomprehensible process of mourning, making worlds out of loss and time. It is a celebration, that attem…
  • 动漫冒险
  • 动漫
  • 电视剧
    A group of teenage girls and boys in the city of Latina, just south of Rome, and its surrounding area during a summer that will change their lives forever.
  • Love Live!校园偶像音乐剧 电视剧版
    位于兵库和大阪、关西的两所传统学校。由于艺能课程选拔偶像部的活跃而成功品牌化的大阪·泷樱女学院,和过去的升学学校,兵库·椿咲花女子高中。对立的两所学校的理事长的女儿,琉璃卡(渡边美穗 饰)和杏(富田菜菜风 饰)通过偶像活动相遇,围绕着她们的小小世界,发生了巨大的变化。寻找比重要的约定更重要的事情……。
  • 电影
  • Vari
    Tumedas ajas, musta laega toas, võitleb õigluse eest Juhan Liiv, kannatav luuletaja ja detektiiv.
  • I Can't Have Sex
    Don't let the title fool you. (Or let it?) The definitive fantasy documentary of a hypersexualised society. Bel Gatti can’t have sex, so her therapist suggests she make a film about it, turning her supposed external trauma into a boomeran…