搜索 Doba

  • 怪医DrHympp戴着怪兽面具,在晚间出动四出诱拐猎物:嬉皮士、女同志、艳舞女郎与一名记者惨被怪医非法禁锢,成为他研究人类性欲的白老鼠。
  • The streets and bars of San Francisco’s famous Castro district comes alive in the colorful, fast-paced, affectionate and often funny insider’s look at life and love among a diverse group of out and proud gay men. This group of attractive t…
  • 26岁蒂娜服务于一家著名的网站,她精明的头脑、性感的身材、天使的脸蛋使网站的声誉很高,很多男人成为她的专属会员,蒂娜也十分享受他们的眼光。狂人罗伯特是正在接接受精神科医师医治的病人,他也是蒂娜的狂热会员之一,在他看来,只能通过屏幕、音响看见或者听见蒂娜还远远不够,某日,罗伯特把蒂娜挷架到他的家中,并强迫蒂娜为他一个人服务…
  • 电影剧情
    一个位于匈牙利平原上的小镇迎来了一个马戏团,最为独特的是这个马戏团有一条鲸鱼的尸体和一个神秘的王子。自从这个马戏团来到这个小镇,所有的秩序都收到干扰,最终爆发了一场暴利与善良的冲突…… 幕后制作 前后制作长达四年,只有39个镜头,却与七个不同的摄影师合作,从美国、匈牙利、德国、法国等,以不同摄影师的独特风格创造出不同的精采…
  • 这部极为豪华的古装剧以1866年春天,意大利和奥地利发生冲突前夕为历史背景。描写了一名意大利贵族妇女Countess Serpieri ,背叛自己的婚姻和国家,不顾一切爱上了俊美而乖戾的奥地利军官Lieutenant Franz Mahler,两人爱得轰轰烈烈,但时代已经发生巨变,最终酿成悲剧。
  • 电影恐怖
  • 电影剧情
    A woman gets an opportunity to save the life of a 12-year old boy who witnessed a death during a thunderstorm which happened 25 years ago, by getting connected through the television set during a similar storm in the present
  • 15 years have passed and Roberto is still in love with his neighbor, but she prefers to hide ashamed of her body. With his art and an old clothesline as the only ways of communication, Roberto has a plan to push his beloved to face her monsters at once.
  • During school holidays at her grandma’s house, Camila (10) discovers that the women of her family are cursed and they don’t even care about what really worries her: her parents’ violent relationship. Taking an important topic as a referenc…
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