搜索 Dog

  • A cargo ship is stuck on the Canadian Saint Lawrence River for repairs. Traoré, an Ivory Coast mechanic is unjustly accused of causing the damage. Far away from home and family, Traoré tries to offer friendship to Fanny who takes him in, w…
  • 电影爱情
    这是一个关于亲情与爱情的故事。雪(黄翠如 饰)与恋人威(王凯 饰)买下一只可爱的小狗Snowy,两人在照顾Snowy过程中感情也日益更坚固。不料威因工作表现出色,被调到北京三年才能返港。但雪不愿放弃乐团前往东京等地演唱的机会,拒绝与威同往北京。两人陷入感情僵局。与威分离后,雪与Snowy相依为命,开始感怀身世——雪幼年因父母离异而记恨…
  • 电影喜剧
    某日,逃课在外面游荡的鲁飞(孙韬杰 饰)遇见了奄奄一息的流浪狗东东,在鲁飞的精心照料之下,东东渐渐恢复了活力,在此过程中,一人一狗之间结下了深厚的友谊。鲁飞偷偷的将东东养在废弃的实验室中,在鲁飞和小伙伴们的帮助下,东东躲过了刻板保守的教导主任(杜晓楠 饰),得以和它喜爱的小主人鲁飞待在一起。鲁飞的爸爸(王雷 饰)很不喜欢…
  • 阿根廷青年导演马科·伯格(Marco Berger)与另外一位导演马塞洛·摩纳哥(Marcelo Mónaco)合作完成了《性的张力》短片集。合辑共6个故事,包括一个男子在纹身师加工自己的过程中感到满足、一对年轻人在热天午后的隐秘挑逗、直男死党示范如何跟妞做爱时的意外心动、健身哥们的裸照情结......等各种超乎想象的暧昧身体接触。马科·伯格曾经凭《…
  • 电影生活
    刘浩近期喜事连连,不仅竞聘上物业分公司副经理,而且在所工作小区买到一套理想的房子,他和新婚妻子柳依依本以为从此过上了幸福生活,结果却发现倒霉的日子从此开始。 搬进新房不久,对门周大妈旅游回来,老太太性格古怪,儿常年在国外,一个人与大狗老三相依为命。老三是小区一害,之前就有“案底”,回来后更是惹事不断,先是咬伤居民江大妈…
  • Sofia is a girl thirty years fascinated by the world of horses as disappointed and puzzled by the average male population. After collecting a series of terrible dates with men witless, faithless or terribly pedantic, decided to make the subject of a book in which I am associated with the behavior of men in equine psych…
  • Check out these two Original G'z in full motion at the top videos, movie sets, low rider picnics, movie premieres and Live on stage at concerts everywhere. OGTV got some of the Hardest G'z given it up and some of the hottest girlz you've ever seen doing the dam thang.
  • Animation impresario Bill Plympton’s short film Guard Dog won the Oscar in 2004. In 2010 he decided to remake the film via the internet, with 70 artists from around the world, with different levels of expertise, recreating each shot of the…