搜索 Doo

  • A boy travels a long way from his village to Tehran to work as a showman in a kid's show; but finds it harder than he thought.
  • Calling for action where legislation has failed, this topical film explores alternative strategies for keeping kids safe from sexual predators.
  • In 2006, a Flash cartoon entitled Masters of Doom: The Animated Series was circulated around the Internet, which contains several references to pop culture media. The cartoon was inspired by the book Masters of Doom by David Kushner. The cartoon focuses on the creators of the game Doom, rather than the game itself.By J…
  • Two sisters encounter a German spy. A public service film showing how to thwart the enemy.
  • 讲的是噶尔丹准格尔时期的故事,女主角是噶尔丹之妻—阿奴可敦。她还是“蒙古民族主义”史观力捧的“蒙古国民族女英雄。清康熙35年(公元1896年),清康熙帝统帅20万大军再次亲征噶尔丹,在库伦以南的昭莫多草原,两军展开残酷的厮杀,阿奴率率女子弓箭手队奋力冲锋,由于寡不敌众,为掩护丈夫噶尔丹顺利突围,不幸战场上中弹身亡。
  • 电影恐怖
    在地产霸权、官商勾结、贫富悬殊……成为主旋律的社会,有人选择沉默,有人执意抗争。辍学硕士生朗(关楚耀 饰)胁持炸弹械劫银行,打算控诉社会劫富济贫。不料出口被意外炸毁,朗与人质──因眼疾而事业止步的警探健豪(黄贯中 饰)、职场情场上埋没诚信的银行职员韵怡(谢安琪 饰)、痴心错配的失婚贵妇Rebecca(陈美琪 饰)和诲人不倦但被时…
  • Prehistoric girl Tahrah, passing through the portal, gets from native stone age in the modern era, where starts her erotic adventures in the campaign two archaeologists and sexually liberated girls, where she finds a kindred spirit. Now she, throwing off from herself prehistoric bikini having sex with everyone, kicks i…
  • 电影恐怖