搜索 Dos

  • 电影剧情
    Set ten years on from high school drama NEXT TO ME, this film places the former classmates in unfamiliar territory, both physical and psychological. The story quickly moves away from the comfort of the classroom to the untamed wilds of Serbia, and forces the characters to confront nature and reveal their own true color…
  • All the Futures
    Terrestrial life reached a very far away planet after a long odyssey through space, via microorganisms in meteorites. Night is eternal. Humans carry with them their dream of reproducing their past life, but their luggage also includes ancestral fears and absurd rules. The sky is falling in.
  • Amarandos
    “Amarandos,” the flower whose colour lasts eternal, is a messy vase of memory, dealing with transitions to other realms, while in the incomprehensible process of mourning, making worlds out of loss and time. It is a celebration, that attem…
  • 电影
    在一架小型飞机坠毁后,四名土著儿童在哥伦比亚亚马逊丛林中失联、孤立无援。他们依靠祖先的智慧求生,而一场史无前例的救援任务也随之展开。  这部纪录片由奥斯卡奖得主奥兰多·冯·爱因西德尔执导,哥伦比亚导演豪尔赫·杜兰和英国裔秘鲁导演拉利·霍顿参与制作,从参与这场史诗级救援行动的人员 — 哥伦比亚军队、土著志愿救援人员和儿童的…
  • 电影爱情
    昆特是柏林劳动监督委员会最年轻的委员。尽管有一份体面的工作,但爱神却并不垂青于昆特,以至于昆特只能将爱情寄托于网恋。昆特不止一次地与网络上认识的女孩约会,但每次约会时昆特不适时宜的话题,让前来约会的女孩敬而远之。昆特将情场上的失意,发泄在健身房,有幸结识了音乐人耶罗姆。 耶罗姆做音乐,有自己的主张和原则,投资商偏偏要他…
  • 电影动作