搜索 Double

  • 少年时代被黑帮老大织田大成(小日向文世 饰)收为养子的高山亮介(香川照之 饰),和其他“兄弟”经过严苛的训练与培养,在义父的授意下纷纷潜入社会各界,履行着他们所认定的“正义”职责。亮介一步步爬上警部的位置,与潜伏在织田组内从未谋面的森屋纯(西岛秀俊 饰)展开连番卧底较量,而森屋的直属上司小野寺警视正(角野卓造 饰)之死,则…
  • 电影剧情
    北漂女孩应佳(刘青 饰)怀着当明星的梦想,在这座城市里靠跑剧组来寻找演戏的机会。半个月没有接到戏的她,在接到某剧组试戏通知后,跟随副导一同驱车前往郊外的艺术顾问那里试戏。试戏结束,就在他们准备回去的时候,车子却意外出了故障。无奈之下,应佳只能在郊外暂宿一晚。半夜,被噩梦惊醒的应佳发 现自己在睡梦中被剁掉一根手指。而这不过…
  • 夜幕下的东京,黑帮老大织田大成(小日向文世 饰)与小野寺警视正(角野卓造 饰)领导的警察部队展开一场斗智斗勇的追逐战。一番交手过后,双方都清醒地意识到,彼此的队伍中藏有身分不明的内鬼。相貌平平的高山亮介(香川照之 饰)早年被精明狡猾的织田收为养子,并通过精心培养和训练将其安插到警察队伍中,成为其现代化犯罪中最重要的一枚棋…
  • 电影喜剧
  • Popeye is driving across country against Count Noah Count. He's hopelessly outmatched; the Count has a very powerful car, and Popeye's is barely running. And to top it off, the Count doesn't play fair.
  • Review:Both Skin and Scream have won multiple awards at various film festivals across the country, and once you watch them you will understand why. Short films are an art form; you have a very small amount of time to tell a story that engages the audience. With these three films, Broadstone demonstrates over and over a…
  • After the New York and Madrid attacks, the international communities need for closer co-operation and shared intelligence has led to the creation of the European Intelligence Agency. The EIA, established by the European Union to combat terrorism, has field offices in every EU member state and must have at least half of…
  • Un alpiniste tombe nez à nez avec un squelette dans la cavité d'une falaise. La police appelée sur les lieux en découvre quatre autres, soigneusement cachés. Tout de suite, Béatrice Costes, capitaine de Police, a l'étrange sentiment d'êt…