- A struggling actress and an aspiring playwright pour all of their creative energy into the only paying work they can find: role-playing demonstrations for corporate training seminars. When they book the biggest gig of their careers at a hotel conference, they commence work on their most ambitious production to date.
- 这是一个亦真亦幻的世界,梦境和现实完美的对接。很多东西并不是建造出来,而是由每个梦主人用意识所创造的,你有多相信这个梦境,它就有多真实。生活在这个世界里的人基本是分不出现实和梦境的,他们穿梭在现实,别人的梦境,甚至自己的梦境中而不自知。用自己的意识影响别人,也同时受别人影响,整个世界因梦而改变着,变美好,变邪恶。
- Having been sold by her family to be the bride of a controlling billionaire, Actually searches for a way out.
- 由Filmguru推出的爆笑新电影《888:疯狂公交车》,由风头正劲的搞笑演员Jazz主演,还带来了上半年大卖的喜剧《4G僧侣》演员组,更邀请了泰国白脸网红Thepphithakk,还有女星Tangmo-Pataratid,给我们上演了泰国公交车上的《速度与激情》。
- Disney animator Dan Lund documents the studio's decision to shut down its hand-drawn animation department and focus instead on computer-generated animation.