- The new series is going to be entitled The Tower II: Death Message and is based on Kate London’s brilliant second novel of the same name. It is being adapted by screenwriter Patrick Harbinson (Homeland, Fearless, 24, ER) and produced by hi…
- 爱尔兰男孩基根和西班牙女孩莫雅一同来到大角鹿的神话世界,在那里他们学会了欣赏大河之舞,以及借由舞蹈赞美生命。该片改编自全球顶级演出,由格莱美奖得主比尔·惠兰编写最新音乐。
- 阿莱克斯含冤入狱,18 年后被释放。出狱后,他一心想要向罗道夫·拉兹卡诺复仇,正是此人惹出的命案导致他被冤判。然而,阿莱克斯对拉兹卡诺家的小女儿爱丽莎产生了感情,事情变得复杂起来。他发现罗道夫是清白的,而另一个巧妙地隐藏在暗处的人才是让他蒙冤的元凶。
- The Electric Mayhem Band as they go on an epic musical journey to finally record their first studio album. Singh will play the (human) lead role of Nora, a driven junior A&R executive tasked with managing and wrangling the mayhem that is The Electric Mayhem Band. With the help of Nora, the old-school Muppet band co…