- The story revolves around Rajveer (Jackky Bhagnani) a hard-working rich youngster, who is the heir of his father Yashvardhan Grewal (Darshan Jariwala), and his company Grewal Motors Co. When Rajveer falls in love with Madhuri (Nidhi Subbaiah), he realises that she hates all rich people, and has much sympathy for poor f…
- A group of people wander over a field at the foot of a cloud-covered mountain range. Here and there, swings have been set up in the broad landscape and the people queue up obediently to sit on them for a few rounds. Sarah Francis returns to this scene again and again. In between, we follow a creation story from the beg…
- In the corridors of power, jealousy, and ambition lead to sexual violence and a suicide. Where is meaning in a world where crimes like these go unpunished?Performed on January 27, 2018, by the Montclair State University Opera, Jeffrey Gall, director, with the Chamber Players of the Montclair State University Symphony O…