搜索 Dés

  • 电影
    Nous sommes en été et Lucie passe les vacances en compagnie de sa fille. L’indolence incite à la rêverie. Songeant à son métier d’actrice, la jeune femme s’imagine cheminer à cheval et en armure. Par mégarde, elle va perdre sa monture …
  • 电影
    The story centres on Blandine, who is depressed. Divorced, she now helplessly looks on as her only son leaves her to go live in Paris. Left to her own devices, she will suddenly reconnect with Magalie, whom she hasn’t seen since her teenage years. At the time, they were funny, close, carefree. They also shared a passio…
  • 芭芭拉的咖啡
    嘉芙蓮丹露與和謝勒狄帕度兩位巨星法國影壇攜手合演這部輕鬆優雅,充滿法國情趣的喜劇。 為人豁達不計較的謝勒終日被親家佔便宜。 最終受不了,他決定丟開一切跑到位於法國中部加田尼區的一處鄉村開車房。 車房對面是一家迷人小旅館,旅館經營者芭芭拉是一位迷人,性格神秘古怪又令人難以觸摸的婦人。他們的相處擦出了無窮的火花……
  • 电影
    My sister died several years before I was born. I only know her from old family photos and visits to her grave. Nevertheless, she was a present part of my life. I fantasized about her and was convinced I was her reincarnation. I thought a lot about whether I would meet the same fate as her - a death at a young age from…
  • 电影科幻
  • 电影
    A place in Ghent, watched by the flightless and garrulous pigeon Lukaku. Living in a particularly close relationship with its owner, Francesco D’Amico, he gains insights into the human grotesque. Director Annelein Pompe lets him talk, intr…
  • 电影惊悚
  • 电视剧剧情
    故事讲述了居住在肯特乡下的拉金一家,爸爸、妈妈,和六个孩子,他们尽情享受着生活。心地善良,乐于分享的他们,却不太被当地社区的某些成员待见。此外,从政府官员、势利的二套房业主,到咄咄逼人的开发商,拉金一家时常需要应对这些威胁到美好田园生活的人,他们从来不会坐视不管。   除了每周与权威和势利村民的争斗外,故事还会讲述拉金…
  • 真假公主1956
  • 电影
    Images and objects warp under the scrolling gaze of a scanner bed. Photographs, shredded and reassembled, spark reminiscences in the artist’s voiceover, which relates the intertwined stories of a family trip to the island of Imbros and of …