- After landing a Rs.80 Crore deal with businessman Kapadia, Joseph Rodriquez, decides to sell his Kasargaon mansion and enlists the services of real estate agent, Devyani Mitra. While traveling there, he comes to her assistance, and drives her to his mansion. Once there, after settling down for the night, she claims tha…
- Australia, June 1727, a ship from the Dutch East India Company wrecked on the hostile coast. Pieter and Hendrick are friends like brothers - they grew up together, sailed together, survived together. But when Hendrick discovers the true nature of Pieter's heart, the two men are taken in a storm where friendship and fai…
- In Singapore, successful businessman Alexander falls in love with his new assistant Li Lin. Their love is soon put to test when his ex-fiancée Anna's brother blackmails Li Lin into stealing the plans for Alexander's project. Li Lin relucta…