- The story of an Spanish immigrant. His misfortune, success and return to his beloved Asturias is displayed in this movie.
- SYNOPSIS: In 1971 the first settlements take place: thousands of people invade the territories claiming the right to have a home. Under the motto "We have nothing, we will do everything" the community organization and the effort of its inhabitants turn the sandy area into a liveable place.Pr. Company - Tierra…
- Tico comes home to Miami from medical school, top of his class; only nobody cares because they're all going nuts.
- ¡Hay motivo! es una serie de 32 cortometrajes producidos en febrero de 2004 y proyectados a partir del 9 de marzo en los que se critican diversos aspectos de la realidad social española y, sobre todo, al gobierno del Partido Popular en dis…