- 魔法王国的苏菲亚公主一直把随身戴着的项链当做自己的护身符,某一天她突然得知,这个护身符里居然封印着一个等待重获自由的公主。邪恶女巫史瑞奇入侵了阿瓦洛王国,杀死了国王和王后。阿瓦洛的法师为了保护年轻的艾莲娜公主,便把她封印进了护身符中。而这个护身符几经辗转,来到了苏菲亚的手中。为了解救艾莲娜和阿瓦洛的百姓,人小胆大的苏菲…
- A young couple reviews the year they have lived together. According to him, this time has been positive. But she thinks that Jorge was tuikan.cc carried away by his father, betraying the plans they had made together before marrying, although she believes that there is still some way to save the situation. That is why s…
- In the empty house of his family, Ramon, a poet, remembers the last day of the life of his master: the last time he went out with his friend don Latino de Hispalis, his talk with a minister and his dinner with Ruben Dario.The poetic and iconoclastic lights of Bohemia have been dimmed in this interpretation of the origi…
- Programa protagonizado por María Silva, en el que interpreta, canta y baila en los números y sketchs que giran en torno a la historia de una mujer joven y millonaria.Con la participación de Luis Barbero, José Franco, Paco Sanz, Antonio Med…