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  • 15岁的Charlotte的平静生活陷入混乱,因为她的姐姐带着丈夫和孩子回家,她的朋友Babou坠入爱河。此外,她发现自己被女人吸引,为此她感到非常羞愧,以至于她试图自杀。她获救了,但除了她的吉他老师外,她不敢和任何人谈论她的问题,她的吉他老师试图说服她,她没有什么可羞耻的。
  • David Collier went to Cyprus for his brother's funeral. However much he wished to leave the island, circumstances seemed to force him to stay.There was something disturbing about the aftermath of Barry's death. David became irresistibly involved in a series of strange events — secret meetings with his dead brother's fr…
  • 电影喜剧
    乔治娅(妮娅•瓦达拉斯 Nia Vardalos饰)是一位希腊裔美国人,是一位导游,常年带着游客在希腊的名胜古迹间穿行。日复一日的重复着旅行介绍,经过的地方也走过太多遍,还有来自不同文化背景的游客们,这一切都让乔治娅头疼不已。于是,乔治娅萌生了辞职的冲动,想彻底离开眼前的生活。无奈,老板还是把一个新旅游团交给了乔治娅,起初一切如她…
  • This futuristic science fiction comedy features an atomic bomb blast that causes women to grow beards and lose the ability to have children. A summit meeting is held at the United Nations, with the proposed solution of building a time machine. The decision is made to travel back in time and murder Einstein, with the ho…
  • 导演其实在开篇的旁白里就已经说出了故事的结局,电影是一出悲剧。但却是以喜剧的形式讲述的。三名孤儿,安德列、尤里克与玛尔塔。其实都是成年人,但他们的行为却如孩子般天真。三人住在一所战争中被炸毁的教堂里。有趣的是,这所教堂竟然还有个房东,他也是个孤儿。胖胖的,可爱的老头, 贪吃、爱玩,喜欢弹钢琴。安德列与尤里克本是好友,但…
  • Description: "The Death of the Beautiful Roebucks is a story of a man from Prague who becomes the most successful vacuum cleaner salesman in Europe. It is based on the autobiographical book written by one of the most fascinating and at the same time tragic Czech writers - Ota Pavel. Major character of the book, an…
  • 四位大师级导演合拍片,关于葡萄牙北部文化重镇吉马良斯的四个故事。佩德罗·科斯塔《甜蜜的招魂术》,曼努埃尔·德·奥里维拉《大都市的征服者》维克托·艾里斯《玻璃游戏》,阿基·考里斯马基《吉马良斯》
  • Anthologiedesscènesinterditesérotiquesetpornographique
    This film was made up with formerly sensored scenes from earlier films from 1961 to 1974, plus unedited hard rushes from Benazeraf's just-about-to-be-released new film of the time, La Planque (1975).