搜索 EL

  • Un Noël en famille
    It's Christmas! Mayoress Carole is helping the inhabitants while her husband Alain organizes Christmas at home. Kids are arriving, soon all hopes of a peaceful Christmas melt away as the family traditions are called into question
  • 电视剧爱情
    描述芝加哥三个最优秀的急救员的故事。他们的个性都有问题,且存在自毁倾向,这让他们很难维持稳定的爱情、友情或其他关系,因此他们把大部分精力都投入工作中。对那些登上救护车的病人来说,能得到他们的救治无异于天赐之福——他们的能力是没话说的。Michael Mosley(Johnny)、Kevin Daniels(Hank)和Kevin Bigley(Brian…
  • 夏克尔帕夏家族:奇迹与丑闻
  • 电影
    A 'Millennial Coming-of-Rage' story about a young woman who loses her job and struggles to pay rent - until she befriends a pickpocket who convinces her that the only way to survive in America is by committing petty crime.
  • 电影
    Isaac, and his wife, Tania, are heading to the countryside to help Isaac's estranged father Abe do some projects around the house as an opportunity to try to patch things up.
  • 电影
    影片改编自爱尔兰作家克莱尔·吉根的同名小说。讲述1985年的圣诞节,尽职的父亲、煤炭商人比尔·弗隆(基里安·墨菲 Cillian Murphy 饰)发现了镇上修道院里的惊人秘密,和关于他自己的一些令人震惊的真相。
  • 电视剧惊悚
  • 电影
    In the midst of summer, Alex, a successful influencer, invites a few friends to her small isolated country house. One evening, after streaming a live video, they are visited by a particularly persistent stalker - The begining of a dreadful night they'll never forget.
  • 电影奇幻
  • 电影穿越
    一群特殊的退伍军人徒步旅行者帮助一位退伍军人对抗抑郁症、创伤后应激障碍和自杀倾向,他徒步穿越阿巴拉契亚山道,携带 363 张军人姓名牌,执行防止退伍军人自杀的任务。这是一个真实的故事。D