搜索 EVA

  • 电影
  • 电影
    The plot introduces us to a psychologist who suggests to three couples that they engage in a group session, where they will have to analyse each other without her being present. In order to do so, she has left them a number of envelopes containing instructions on the things they have to address. The method she has prop…
  • 可可是个浑浑噩噩的年轻女子,与五十多岁、刚离异的汉斯陷入了一场无果的恋情中。她过着漫无目标的生活,直到发现母亲病重。不顾已疏远的母女关系,以及母亲希望独处的愿望,可可搬到母亲家中照顾她,并开始全心全意地拥抱这个新的生活目标。
  • 森林中专门吞噬人类灵魂的瘦长怪人杀害了男主角的妹妹,她的灵魂成为瘦长怪人的帮凶。男主角在其他人的帮助下最终杀死瘦长怪人,但他妹妹灵魂却成为森林中最强大的恶灵。
  • Scene of film action takes place in Baltic Sea during WWII in 1944-45.
  • Danny is a long-term insomniac. He comes across an ad for the Audible Lucid Perceptions sleep clinic, run by the peculiar Dr. Zovnig, and goes in for a consultation. The doctor gives him a small audio device, which generates brain-frequency-altering audio waves, intended to hypnotize Danny into a dream state. Upon the …
  • 2003,在拍摄完成《从天空中看地球》后,Yann Arthus-Bertrand和Sybille d’Orgeval以及Baptiste Rouget-Luchaire推出了这部影片。他们发动20个导演到84个国家对6000人进行采访。从巴西渔民到中国店主,从德国演员到阿富汗农民,采访他们一样的问题:说说自己的担忧、希望、梦想和困难。45个问题将帮助我们去探索是什么让人们分离和亲近。@D…