搜索 Ebon

  • The Empire of Ebony
    The film will chart the rise of Ebony and Jet and their growth into a brand with a readership base in the millions which has had an undeniable effect on American culture.
  • 20世纪50年代末期,曾经风靡一时的剧场风云变幻,人们迷恋电视、迷恋摇滚,对于曾经伴随他们长大的各种杂耍则不再关注。他是一个经验丰富的魔术师,舞台上得体从容,现实中却不得不为了可怜的生活费而流转于各个表演场所,上至华贵的音乐厅,下至破落偏僻的小酒馆,不变的是他对魔术的执着。在苏格兰某个乡间逗留时,魔术师结识了一个小女孩,她…
  • 本片是2014年爆款动作片《走到尽头》的菲律宾翻拍版。讲述警察爱德蒙·威廉在匆忙奔丧的路上意外撞人,随后卷入被敲诈勒索的危险局面。在动作片领域有专攻的菲律宾导演劳伦斯·法哈多,在本片中对节奏拿捏精准,不仅故事环环相扣惊险刺激,室内打斗动作更是迅猛凌厉,让观众肾上腺素飙升。他还为影片加上了大量本土化背景,以犯罪片的形式对某些…
  • Morris Men
    When a seaside town is gripped in a vice of drug fueled corruption, sometimes the only solution is to book a dance with the Morris Men.
  • 电影
  • Her Bodyguard
    A wealthy businesswoman must decide whom to trust when she falls for a sexy bodyguard who may be involved in a plot to assassinate her.
  • Lebone
    In 1960 Apartheid South Africa on a farm, far from the urban landscape, a young servant maid has her son taken away from her at birth by the farm owner’s wife. Unable to challenge the authority, the young maid and her husband continue to w…
  • 德拉萨尔寄宿学校里,女教师克里斯蒂娜和丈夫、校长米歇尔·德拉萨尔感情不偕,德拉萨尔对待他妻子也很粗暴。克里斯蒂娜经过长时间考虑,决定摆脱丈夫,在另一个教师、女友尼古尔的劝说下,她们决定实施一个谋杀计划……
  • 电影奇幻
    An eccentric photographer, his eager assistant, a jaded make-up artist and a bored model gather for a fashion shoot in a London warehouse. But when one of their number disappears, events take a turn for the bizarre. Beginning as a deft, low-key satire of the hipster fashion world, before continually morphing into somet…
  • 给茱丽叶的信
    影片由盖瑞·温尼克(《女孩梦三十》、《结婚大作战》)执导。苏菲•霍尔是一个有理想有抱负的杂志撰稿人。她和自己的未婚夫维克多从纽约飞到了意大利,一来是他们为了给自己的平静生活找点乐趣和浪漫,二来是维克多有些生意上的事情急需处理。  生意上的事很棘手,维克多成了工作狂。百无聊赖的苏菲就在意大利维罗纳的乡间瞎逛。突然,她发现…