搜索 Ebrahim

  • In 1979, the political upheavals following the Iranian Islamic revolution drove many Iranian Kurds to take refuge in Iraq, where they were placed in camps under appalling living conditions. In 2004, Sheelan - a young doctor of Kurdish origin who had managed to flee to Sweden with her parents - takes advantage of the fa…
  • At times, the world is filled with things we cannot understand. [Ashkan, the Charmed Ring and Other Stories] reveals the complicated interlinked chains of the world that people cannot comprehend. Shahrooz and Reza try to rob a jewelry shop despite their blindness. Hotel employee Ashkan tries again and again to kill him…
  • Sanjeev Kumar is an aspiring chat-show host. He has celebrity guests round to his house (no. 42) to talk to them, but it all falls apart when his family cut in on the action. The celebrity guests spend far more time speaking to Sanjeev's 'mother', 'father' and 'grandmother' (played by Sanjeev Bhaskar's 'Goodness Gracio…
  • 两伊战争期间,一位伊朗的老音乐家突然收到了来自远方伊拉克老情人的紧急求助信。于是他带领着两个儿子出发了。当他找到了老情人的时候,她已经被萨达姆的化学武器损伤了声带和面容,丈夫也死于战争。她将孩子交给了老人,却没有与老人见面。
  • 电影剧情
    伊朗与土耳其边境地区,连年战乱及外国入侵导致这里成一片焦土,民不聊生。少年们为了生存竟然捡拾地雷换钱,由于缺少安全防护措施,他们在突如其来的爆炸中失去肢体甚至生命。卫星(Soran Ebrahim 饰)是这里的孩子王,他带领小伙伴们过着动荡的生活,并见证着战争为孩子们的精神和肉体所带来的无法弥补的创伤……本片荣获2005年柏林国际电影…
  • 影片简介在伊朗的北方,几乎终年下著雨。一个到新班级报到的男孩注意到雨正扫进教室里,原来教室的玻璃窗户被另外一位同学打破了,按照学校的规定打破窗户的学生必须负责修复它,否则不准进教室上课,而当天是必须修复玻璃的最后期限。友情与现实的考验,自然与体力的挑战,两个小男孩如何克服他们人生中的第一关…… 影片评价《风中飘絮》依然…
  • A poignant yet understated film which focuses on the everyday hardships of an isolated Iranian community on the border with Afghanistan, Delbaran centres on the story of a 14-year Afghan refugee working in a truck stop in the 'town' which gives its name to the film. The film is unusual in having very little dialogue an…