搜索 Edel

  • In the first century of the third millennium, a galactic civil war is raging between governments, industrial giants and space pirates. Run for your lives! The Big Mess features space captain Douglas, the pirate couple sterr, a space admiral and countless other characters trying to eke out a living in the cosmos. But wh…
  • The story of Gabi Teichert (played by Hannelore Hoger) who had already begun to dig around in search of the roots of German history in Germany in Autumn. In daily school life, at the party convention of the Social Democrats (SPD), on the Day of Penance and during Advent: She remains stalwart on her quest for a republic…
  • 法布里斯(杰拉·菲利浦 Gérard Philipe 饰)从小就是一个极受女性欢迎的男孩,长大后更是如此,从战场回到帕尔玛后,法布里斯成为了一名副主教,并且遇见了一位女演员。哪知道女演员有一个情夫,在一场误会中,法布里斯杀死了她的情夫,因此被迫踏上了逃亡博洛尼亚的旅途。途中,法布里斯又邂逅了歌唱家福斯塔(尼里奥·贝尔纳迪 Nerio…
  • 阿黛尔和她的母亲孔查生活在城郊的一个贫民窟里。孔查的丈夫是个可恶的暴徒,他使母女俩长期生活在暴力和虐待之中。对此忍无可忍的孔查决定不顾一切风险,偷走一大笔钱,并带着女儿阿黛尔逃离。不幸的是,她们在出逃中被发现了。在追捕过程中,孔查却意外地驾车撞死了丈夫……这场逃离注定是一次冒险,而母女俩竭尽全力,才能挣脱一直禁锢她们的…
  • Shot in vivid color and set to the drone of a psychedelic sitar, Passport To Pleasure is a vintage '70s Adults Only feature that takes you behind the closed bedrooms doors of the most adventuresome, shaggy-haired, mod practitioners of free love!Globe trot to the most exotic and erotic hot spots in the world in this tri…
  • 11岁的Julien(Gilles Budin饰)被送到英格兰提高英语技能。在那儿,他第一次真正接触女孩子并喜欢上了比他大一岁的Janet。Janet却对年长些的法国男孩Jean-Pierre(Michel Gibet饰)更感兴趣。Julien没有嫉妒,事实上他自己也有点迷恋Jean-Pierre。三者之间维持着微妙的关系,直到同伴们开始取笑Julien和Jean-Pierre是同志。J…