- Withthequarantinefinallyover,thenewseasonof"MythicQuest”findseveryonebackintheoffice(well,almosteveryone),attemptingtobuilduponthesuccessofRaven’sBanquetbylaunchinganepicnewexpansion,butIan(RobMcElhenney)andthenewlypromotedco-creative…
- Nat Birchall is one of the most important representatives of the British Jazz scene. Costas Voultsidis is the inspirer of Duende Jazz Bar in Larissa, in 2009. The documentary traces their paths and focuses on the creation of the legendary album 'Nat Birchall Quintet: Live In Larissa', which was globally accepted by aud…
- Directedby:SaroVarjabedianSynopsis:JimmyBaz,adown-and-outprivate-eyeisreluctantlyhiredbytheparentsofamissingcollegeagedboytofindtheirson.AsJimmysearchesforthemissingboyhestumblesuponaseriesofmurdersandnowbelievesheisonthehuntforaserialkillertargetingmuslimmen.Thingstakeasinisterturnashisinvestigationleadshimintotheunde…
- What can we do to fight an invisible enemy like Covid-19? Japanese special-effects wizard Higuchi Shinji thinks we should use our Godzilla toys as magic-conductive tools for this fight, and put an instruction video on YouTube. Iwai Shunji took up the idea and turned it into a 12-part internet series about the way model…
- A mysterious octopus-like alien race appears in people’s homes and causes them a heightened sense of pleasure. Soon, the creatures emerge all over Japan and become part of everyday life, until their explosive expansion takes a dramatic tur…