搜索 Edmonds

  • The Adventures of lchabod and Mr.Toad (伊老师与小蟾蜍大历险)【片长时间】约68分钟【作品类别】迪士尼第11部经典动画,中篇合辑剧情动画片【段落名称】本片共包括两个中篇段落︰1. 小蟾蜍﹙Mr. Toad﹚,又名“The Wind in the Willows”2.瞌睡谷传奇﹙The Legend of Sleepy Hollow﹚【原著取材】“小蟾蜍”改编…
  • 成交不成交(英版)第一季
    Channel 4: A quarter of a million pounds, 22 identical sealed boxes, and no questions, except one: Deal or No Deal?22 people, 22 sealed boxes, just one question: Deal or No Deal?The Deal or No Deal competition is now closed. We've decided that, along with all Channel 4 shows, we're going to give the viewers' competitio…
  • 电影冒险
  • Four women graduate the US Navel Top Gun academy. When 2 of them are promptly shot down on their first Gulf assignment, the other 2 and their instructors head out to rescue them. Love and stock navel air footage is had by all.
  • 电影动作
  • 被同学孤立的小女孩斯嘉丽为了逃避孤独,只身一人来到了僻静的森林中,并遇见了一个神秘的女巫。刚开始,她拒绝了女巫魔法的诱惑,但却与她成了好朋友并一直与她保持联系。直到她在大学里情窦初开,因恋上一个帅小伙而被一个女孩威胁之时,斯嘉丽决定向她的朋友女巫求助。究竟她的魔法能够满足她的愿望么?还是恰好相反,让她失去自己最爱的一切…
  • A comedy feature film about a two down and out buds given one last shot at achieving their dreams. Out of the blue, Mark and Gary find themselves with $250K to headline the opening night of a massive international festival. It's Rocky meets SuperBad set against the hilarious backdrop of two straight guys doing their be…
  • AreYouSmarterThana10YearOld?