- 1939年,希特勒和德国军队登上历史舞台。他们有着相似之处:从过去的失败中崛起,并找寻着批评职责的目标。为了自己的安全与强大,他们使整个世界陷入恐慌。顿时间,德意志欣然地屈服并听命于一个人。有的人应该站出来说些什么,但是他们没有。就这样,希特勒上了位。
- 1889年,希特勒出生于奥地利布劳瑙镇一个公务员家庭。青年时期处于第一次世界大战的阿道夫·希特勒,在动荡不安的乱世中,他的出现与崛起是希望的开端、还是灾难的开始?这个看似平凡的小男孩,长大后却指挥了德国军队大规模入侵各国,掀起了惨烈的第二次世界大战。 这部电影非常的真实的再现了希特勒的发家史,我们看到,他的确有作为领袖的…
- After a former porn star sees his daughter kidnapped, he turns to a friend for help.They start out on a crazy trip with a huge ransom to pay.
- A gigantic catastrophe has happened and is interrupted for two or three days. Three strangers find themselves stranded on an empty island, between desperation and a hopeless situation. What to do with the remaining time? But on the second day the sea delivers a silent man. The three survivors fall in love with the assu…