搜索 Edward

  • 智力来源于何处?是运气、生物学现象,还是仅仅因为良好的教育使爱因斯坦比我更加聪明?我和我父母用什么办法可以让我更聪明?当然,数十年来科学家一直在争论这样棘手的问题使得智力成为科学界研究最多的话题之一。但是现在我们才刚开始找到一些问题的答案最近50年来,地平线频道一直在关注对于神秘心智力量的研究,从进化史的研究到电脑是否能…
  • Elmer Tuttle, a plumber in Paris, is enlisted by beautiful Patricia Alden to help her make her lover Tony Lagorce jealous. Tony, however, is two-timing Patricia with Nina Estrados. Elmer, with the help of his friend Julius, hopes to use the high-society contacts he's made with Patricia to find a market for his new inve…
  • Lindsey Vickers, who scripts and directs this enigmatic film, offers a viewer just enough information to raise questions, at the same time presenting enough plums in the pudding to warrant an alert audience wishing for answers in return, but providentially style triumphs over substance. Vickers constructs an unquestion…
  • A determined teenager must rely on her own wits when her fractured family abandons her.
  • The series features non-fiction narratives of women who have committed murder or attempted murder. Often the target is the individual's spouse. The program is edited in a documentary style, using a central voice-over narration by reporter Sharon Martin, as well as interviews with people in possession of first-hand know…
  • 影片讲述了一群血族受到病毒感染而变成食人丧尸,而身为血族突击队的鲁克·高斯则要带领手下们拯救吸血鬼以及人类的命运。--------------------------由马修·R.安德森与爱德华·康纳共同执导的吸血鬼丧尸大作“The Dead Undead”的第二期拍摄工作已经收尾,影片预计将在今年上映。-此片由鲁克·高斯(代表作地狱男爵2)领衔主演,场面火爆且逼…
  • 四个好友乘坐的汽车滑出公路,他们在森林里迷路,陷入一段疯狂的爱情故事。他们发现自己都被一只怪兽盯上,不可能活着离开森林...
  • 你总是会在一个看起来最不可能且最难以想象的地方,重拾往日的梦想与渴望……打从记事的时候开始,凯文·弗莱克(塞巴斯蒂安·格雷戈里饰)就一直心怀着一个美好的愿望,能够在一个著名的摇滚乐团担任主创吉他手,但是,对于他所在的像蒙塔哥这样一个懒散、宁静的海滨小镇来说,想要成为一个"摇滚之神"可并不是什么轻松简单的事情,尤…