搜索 Ees

  • In the early 20th Century, a handsome young man leaves a small family farm and becomes the mastermind of a rebellion that changes Ireland forever. Follows the events that led famine Ireland to free Ireland - the 1916 Easter Rising Rebellion and the driving force behind it, Seán MacDiarmada, hero to Michael Collins.
  • 从远古时代开始,沙提女神的影响力就已存在于地球上,那些信奉者用他们心底的信念在寻求女神的祝福,一个人自生来他的信念信奉也就产生了,码哈沙提就是这种神的化身之一… 故事中的女主人罗莉与他的丈夫多年未曾生育,通过罗莉长久信奉拉卡莉神后,终于他们夫妻如愿已偿的得已子。但谁知就在罗莉即将分娩时,来了一位神秘之客他真是人们所常说…
  • Director Kim had a stroke while making numerous movies, lives in hell for 11 years. He goes to Dilcusha to write a new scenario and sees a miracle after meeting people agreed on participating in his new film.
  • When Damon Miller (Moritz von Zeddelmann), a talented, young London filmmaker becomes involved in the disturbing research surrounding Near-Earth objects he stumbles onto the discovery that the Earth stands on the brink of an extraterrestrial disaster. Believing he's finally discovered the ideal subject for his next doc…
  • In the early 60s a bunch of kids met playing in the extreme wilderness of New Zealand. The adventure they discovered in tapping the forces of nature changed their lives - and the world. A global quest for adventure paradise in 45 years of stunning original footage.
  • 老师眼中的问题孩子在得到神奇的猴子笔之后的改变。
  • A documentary for BBC Two by critically acclaimed filmmaker Laurence Rees will explore the legacy of Auschwitz. Filmed in Jerusalem, Chicago, London, Bavaria, Krakow and Tel Aviv, the film presents a compelling portrait of the problems, challenges and triumphs that six different individuals have experienced since the w…