- Guerrero, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, crosses the border into the United States in search of his family. After arriving in San Diego, California he meets organized crime boss Gino Santoro, who offers him lodging, a job, and help in finding his family. There is only one condition... he must fight in an underground…
- The queen really wants a baby, but the king has other interests. When her pleas to St. Kryspin for one go unanswered, she turns to the devil. A deal with him soon brings her a little girl, who is looked after by young Št pán, the son of the Queen's chamber-maid. Št pán and the princess gradually fall in love with each …
- 物語の舞台は、木島丈一郎(寺島進)の妻・美津子(森口瑤子)がおかみを務める小料理屋「笹美(ささよし)」。そこでは、木島夫妻の結婚6周年を祝うパーティーが行われ、それにかこつけて爆処理のメンバーは婦警らと合コンを楽しんでいた。なぜか、合コンの輪の中心にいる眉田(松重豊)と、草壁(高杉亘)。そんな姿に眉(まゆ)をひそめる木…
- Plot Keywords: JazzSoundtracks"Take Five"Written and Performed by the Dave Brubeck Quartet
- The legendary drummers for James Brown, funk masters Clyde Stubblefield and John Jab'o Starks focus on the grooves they made famous, in the songs:Cold Sweat, Funky Drummer, I Got the Feelin', Mother Popcorn, Give It Up or Turnit a Loose, Licking Stick, Sex Machine, Super Bad, Make It Funky and Doing It to DeathThey dem…