- The series takes you inside the uber-exclusive and glamorous world of six "hot housewives" in Central Florida's sexiest city, Orlando. The show follows the ladies as they fight over pretty much everything except for their love of shoes, plastic surgery, and the pursuit of spending all of their husbands' money…
- A climate of civil war, a fight that has made them lose everything including their youth, four soldiers aged 13 to 20 years, will meet and build friendships. In the grip of an adult conflict, which they do not understand, Matéo, Dominique, Big Max and Kevin will keep recreating, round a pond and a cabin, a family. Grad…
- 2004年美國華盛頓州有兩位小男孩在海邊目擊到美國史上最大規模的鯨魚擱淺,在眾多鯨魚屍體當中,他們發現了一個從未親眼看過的生物,並且悄悄的用手機照像保存他們所目睹的景象,隨後美國政府便迅速的將所有可疑之物帶離現場,而海洋大氣局的科學家也參與了這次的調查,同時在案發現場附近的海底儀器錄音當中,這些科學家們發現了最近一次的錄音…
- 海蒂(劳拉·汤克 Laura Tonke 饰)在一家旅行社工作,而她的丈夫乌里(汉斯·鲁 Hans Löw 饰)则是一名聋哑人翻译。夫妻两个的个性都开朗爱玩,彼此十分的契合。两个月后,夫妻两人就将要带着年幼的儿子菲恩(雷安德·尼采 Leander Nitsche 饰)前往非洲定居,这是他们期待已久,梦寐以求的生活。某日,海蒂的同事突然之间要自杀,在办公室里…