搜索 Eira

  • 电影
    尼斯·达·西尔维拉(Nise da Silveira)医生回到里约热内卢郊区的精神病医院工作。她拒绝采用新型高强度电击疗法来治疗精神分裂症患者。其他医生对其冷嘲热讽,她不得不使用医院已被废弃的作业治疗区开展工作。尼斯用图画、小狗和爱来帮助病人,开启了一场“革命”。
  • Luisa, a Portuguese Supreme Court Judge, is given the Camarate File, the investigation of the accident that led to the death of Portuguese Prime-Minister and his accompanists on December the 4th, 1980. She must decide whether the case goes to trial or is to be archived...
  • 因为在圣保罗州交响乐团的指挥选拔中落败,一位有天赋的小提琴老师来到埃及的黑里欧波里斯,在当地一所公立学校上课。尽管困难重重,音乐本身的力量和师生间的友谊为他们打开了一个新的世界。
  • Bia and her brother João must learn how to cope with death. She, with physical death. He, with the virtual one.
  • 一个年轻的萨米族女孩儿Majjen发现传教士们出现在了村子里,他们开始焚烧萨米女孩的帽子。惊慌中Majjen躲藏起来,但还是被教堂的人发现了。她试图逃跑,最后演变成了一场激烈的争斗。Majjen要留住她祖上留给她的帽子,传教士却说帽子的顶部住着魔鬼。
  • Twenty two years ago, an arid, volcanic and island paradise nestled in the middle of the South Atlantic, a nine year old boy was separated from his sister. The mother, fearful of a forbidden attraction between them, decides to send his son, not daughter, for the continent. The boy was taken by Kaleb, the rider of an ol…
  • A ‘chance’ meeting in the street, give you the opportunity to Agata and Marc to help each other to overcome the inertia of their lives. Tired of going from bed to bed and boy to boy, Agata is confronted with the challenge of staying, not f…
  • 2019年巴西的“冲奥片”。本片以巴西著名诗人JorgedeLIMA所著的诗篇为灵感,巴西著名导演卡洛斯·迭戈执导,文森特·卡索主演,讲述了一个马戏团之家的五代传人的故事。从“神奇大马戏团”自1910年创立起至今,观众将在永不衰老的典礼主持人“CELAVI”的带领下,探索家族五代传人的爱与冒险之旅,领略马戏团从创立到没落的历程以及最后令人惊艳…
  • "like Adam and Eve they live in their paradise, sealed off from space and time. An interpretation of the phenomena hysteria that tries to lead back the medium film to the roots in photography."