- The series' seventh season began airing September 23, 2008, on a new 10:00 pm (EST) Tuesday timeslot. Steven Weber joined the cast for the first five episodes of the season as Special Agent Clark Medina, Jack's temporary replacement as unit supervisor. The episodes focused as much on missing persons cases as on Medina'…
- Tommy and Diamond hustle to keep CBI's game ahead of Jenard's new faction in the streets, while Tommy makes solo moves to avenge Liliana's death; all the while, Tommy hasn't forgotten his ultimate goal to become a kingpin.
- Betrayal in Intimate relationships can turn your world upside down. The sudden revelation or gradual realization deceit, lies or infidelity can be catastrophic to any relationship. Danielle's family thinks she's a victim but is she really?
- 捷克百佳之一。安东·斯皮尔莱克虽是一个乐器制造商,但更是一位神枪手,在一年一度的枪手授勋会上,他满怀期待,可惜因为少了一枚勋章,只能等来年了,失望之余,情急之下,在酒馆黑就时不慎出言侮辱了国王,因此被送往监狱,但他心生一计,让其雇员Josef Kukacka代他服刑,他自己则在家秘密工作,而Josef Kukacka也如样炮制,让一个流浪汉李代…