- The story follows ambitious young director Rajeeva and his three crew members on the quest of making their debut feature film. In an industry where saying 'No' to people is common,Rajeeva and his crew will have to tackle through production issues, casting errors and most of all, those clashing personalities which you m…
- In a country where corruption has reached epidemic levels, an investigative journalist tries to reveal the corruption of a medical mogul whose corruption caused the death of dozens without blame. Essam has a daughter who has kidney failure and has been affected by the filters made by this mogul's factory. On another fr…
- 影片讲述了横跨67年的战争爱情故事,分别来自俄国与德国两个年轻中尉,因战争而分离。他们不得不相互仇恨,在战争中,两人同时爱上了一名女子,并为了搭救她而互相争斗甚至付出生命的代价。
- The Subvex Film Company’s The Exquisite Corpse 8mm Film Experiment aims to “bridge the gap between legends of old and young guns of contemporary cinema.”A collective of directors, filmmakers, cinematographers and audio-visual artists, Sub…
- After accidentally killing a young mobster, a guilt-stricken police officer searches for the parents who never came forward to claim their son's body.